Second Language Training
Nathalie Vadeboncoeur – Second Language Training Specialist
Phone: (613) 392-2811 ext. 3855
Email: nathalie.v@trentonmfrc.ca
French & English Classes (beginner, intermediate and advanced levels)
The next session for French and English classes begins on January 13, 2025. (Registration deadline is January 6, 2025)
Courses for military spouses/partners and their dependents (minimum age 18 years) are offered by the Trenton Military Family Resource Centre for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.
Classes run for 10 weeks beginning in September, January, and April.
Each session offers a total of 40 hours of instruction plus an online component on LRDG portal.
Classes are held twice a week (Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday), either mornings (9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.), afternoons (12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.), or evenings (6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.) depending on the requests.
Classes are offered in-person/classroom sessions or virtual sessions, depending on the requests.
The cost for a military spouse is a $50 deposit. This deposit is refundable at the end of the session with the completion of the course (75% or more of the online component completed and 75% or more attendance for the in-class portion) and the exams.
Courses are also open to military members for a cost of $85 non-refundable and to members of the community at a cost of $150 per session. However, priority will be given to spouses of military members (A minimum of five military spouse participants, with a maximum of ten students, is required per course).
The Second Language Training is a national program and courses can be continued at most CAF Bases across Canada.
Spanish Classes (beginner level)
The Spanish Beginner level 1 will be on Wednesday evenings from 7 pm to 8:30 pm for a duration of 8 weeks.
The Spanish Beginner level 2 will be on Thursday evenings from 7 pm to 8:30 pm for a duration of 8 weeks.
To register, please contact Nathalie Vadeboncoeur, Second Language Training:
- (613) 392-2811 ext. 3855
- nathalie.v@trentonmfrc.ca
Come in and complete the registration form at the MFRC reception or contact Nathalie Vadeboncoeur at 613-392-2811 ext. 3855 (nathalie.v@trentonmfrc.ca) for further information. An evaluation of your level will be made by telephone following your registration. You can also download and complete the registration form from home and bring it to the MFRC.
French Class Registration Form
English Class Registration Form
Spanish Class Registration Form
French/English LRDG Self-Directed Learning program
LRDG portal could be used as a self-directed online language training program. This program is available on request for military spouses/partners only. A minimum usage of 4 hours per month is required in order to maintain access to the portal.
Other free online resources
For all those who want to learn a new language, please see the Mauril, Babbel, and Duolingo programs below. Programme de formation à distance (F@D) also offers some French Second Language courses at no charge.
For more information and to register for a course or club, please contact Nathalie Vadeboncoeur, Second Language Training Specialist:
- (613) 392-2811 ext. 3855
- nathalie.v@trentonmfrc.ca