

Cheryl Lafontaine – Housing Resource Specialist
Phone: (613) 392-2811 ext. 2076

The very first piece of the puzzle you need to solve when it comes to finding housing in the Quinte West area is to gain a strong understanding about 1) your personal finances, 2) the local housing market, 3) how these two pieces fit together for you, and 4) choosing the housing solution that puts you in the most successful position for the present and future you. SISIP Financial serves the military by providing expert advice and solutions regarding pensions, investing, insurance, spending, borrowing, and much more.

For more information about the products and services offered by SISIP, to book an appointment with an advisor, or to download the budget worksheet, you can visit these links:
Home | SISIP Financial Budget Worksheet (guidelines and fillable worksheet)

Bank of Montreal (BMO) is the official financial institution of the military and offers products and services at a discounted rate for military personnel. To learn more about the Canadian Defence Community Banking (CDCB) services please visit: Canadian Defence Community Banking – BMO Canada