Mandy Gifkins – Community Integration Specialist
Phone: (613) 392-2811 ext. 2379 | Email:
The First Stop for Newly Posted Military Families
Moving to a new community can be both exciting and challenging – but we’re here to help! The Trenton MFRC can connect families with information about local community attractions and resources, health care, education, child care, and vehicle licensing and registration. Additionally, the Trenton MFRC facilitates programming and services to assist families as they settle into their new homes.
When military families arrive in the Quinte region, we encourage them to stop by the Trenton MFRC to pick up a welcome package and meet our team. The welcome package includes information about MFRC services and programs, as well as information about our local community. Members and their families will also receive a unique housewarming plant! The Trenton MFRC is your home away from home, so please stop by and share your ideas – we would love to get to know you!
In addition to answering your questions and assisting with specific services and programs, we can facilitate access to DIN computers for military members. We also sell garbage tags for the community of Quinte West. Two of our most popular programs, offered in partnership with the Community Development Council of Quinte (CDCQ), are Good Food Bags and Good Baby Box. These programs allow families to place monthly orders for nutritious food (fruits and vegetables) and baby supplies (diapers, wipes, and formula). If you are interested in placing an order, please visit us or call our main reception!
Another great way to stay updated is by following us on social media! We are currently on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. You can also request to be added to our email distribution list, which is used to send out important program and event information. In one way or another, please keep in touch! The Trenton MFRC is here to support you and your family.
ABCs of Military Postings
Welcome Home Guide & Hidden Gems Map
Our “Welcome Home” guide offers information about MFRC services and programs, as well as information about the surrounding communities. More specifically, the guide offers information about health care, child care, education, accommodations, local garbage and recycling collection, and vehicle registration and licensing. Don’t see what you are looking for? Give us a call!
Posting In
Postings are difficult. We can’t make postings easier, but we can provide you with timelines, tools, checklists and resources to help you plan, to reduce the stress or frustration you’re feeling, and to make the move process more manageable for you and your family. Keeping track of everything related to your move can be daunting, so we’re giving you the inside scoop on how to keep it all organized.
Posting Out
We invite all the members that are posted out to another base to stop by the Trenton MFRC and pick up the Hero in Training Children Relocation Activity Book provided by Military Family Services (MFS), who is designed to keep your kids occupied as you prepare for the move, travel, and settle your new home.
Clearing In/Out with the Trenton MFRC
When you arrive at CFB Trenton, all military members are required to clear in with the Trenton MFRC! Additionally, all members posted elsewhere are required to clear out with us. These processes involve completing an information form and receiving important information from the Community Integration Specialist. There are two options for completing the clearance process:
1. Visit our main reception and complete the information form! While you are here you can pick up a welcome package and ask any questions you or your family may have. You can also request information about your next posting location!
2. Send an email to and we will respond with the information form to be completed. When we have received your completed form, we will send a confirmation email for your records.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact our Community Integration Specialist.