Emergency Child Care

Emergency Child Care

Rabia Stobbart – Deployment & Frequent Absences Navigator
Phone: (613) 392-2811 ext. 4935
Email: rabia.s@trentonmfrc.ca

Nicky Legacy – Specialized Childcare Services Supervisor 
Phone: (613) 392-2811 ext. 2382
Cell: (613) 243-3173 (after hours emergency childcare inquiries)
Email: nicky.l@trentonmfrc.ca

An Emergency Child Care Plan is a written plan that describes both your regular arrangements for your child and those for an emergency. For example, if your regular arrangement is an infant at home with a parent, who will care for your child if that parent is in an accident while the other parent is deployed? What is your back up plan if this arrangement breaks down? The Emergency Child Care Plan is not the Family Care Plan (DAOD 5044) that you file with your unit but is an additional resource to assist you in planning for child care emergencies. The Emergency Child Care Plan describes in detail your child’s situation on a day-to-day basis.

Emergency Child Care Services

Assistance in finding emergency childcare and completing your family care plan. Funding may be available in emergency situations.

Who qualifies:

When CAF personnel are required to report for duty on unexpected and less than 24 hours notice and/or CAF personnel are absent due to a military tasking, AND neither the primary nor secondary family care provider (as identified in the Family Care Plan) is available.

When CAF personnel or immediate family members require emergency medical and/or mental health services, AND neither the primary nor secondary family care provider (as identified in the Family Care Plan) is available.

A unique situation where emergency family care assistance may be required other than in a situation detailed above in which special requests may be approved at the discretion of the Trenton MFRC Executive Director.


Children will be placed for a limited short term in a daycare spot at one of our 3 childcare locations, if one is available. Families may be required to pay for this service up front and will be reimbursed through the program at a later time. A space is not guaranteed, and is dependent on the resources available at the MFRC at the time of crisis. We encourage all families to ensure they have a current Family Care Plan through their orderly room.

Alternatively, care may be offered in the family’s home by one of our contracted respite workers. This option is limited to staff availability.

At no time can a client be transported or cared for overnight by staff.

Emergency Child Care Plan Form