Mental Health


Mental Health Team

While every family has its own issues, there are some challenges that are specific to military families. The MFRC has a team of mental health professionals that support military family members, offering various services for adults, couples, teenagers and children.

Our Mental Health services include:

  • Free and confidential short-term counselling for individuals, couples and families
  • Life & social skill-building
  • Parenting workshops & education
  • Deployment support for children & adults
  • Separation, divorce, and other transition services
  • Grief & loss counselling
  • Virtual sessions are available

Additional services are available for the families, as well as trauma, symptoms of PTSD and other mental health concerns. The MFRC understands the military lifestyle and can help you understand and access services available.

Contact us: 613-392-2811 ext. 4528 |

Military Family Counsellor

The Military Family Counsellor (MFC) is a mental health worker who provides individual counselling and psychoeducational seminars and groups to military families.  In addition, the MFC works in collaboration with other MFRC staff and community partners to offer a wide range of support services for all military families.

Military Family Counsellor – Brandy NieCYC, BSW (Hons), RSW
613-392-2811 ext. 3953 |

Family and Youth Counsellor

The Family and Youth Counsellor offers individual counselling and support services for children and youth from military families. The Youth and Family Counsellor also offers resiliency programming for children and youth.

Family and Youth Counsellor – Paul D. Robichaud, M.A. (CAM), M.A. (CP), R.P.
613-392-2811 ext. 5541 |

Francophone Mental Health Services

The MFRC offers free confidential services to Francophone families of Canadian Forces members. The Francophone Mental Health Services coordinator is a dedicated link to all Trenton MFRC and community support services. Therapeutic counselling appointments are available for adults, youth, and children.

Bilingual Family Violence Counsellor

We are proud to offer bilingual support for the military and civilian community who reside in Hastings and Prince Edward County. Individual therapeutic counselling sessions are available by appointment to adults, youth, and children who experience stress, tension, family violence, intimate partner violence and/or sexual violence in their present or past relationships.

Family Liaison Officer

The Family Liaison Officer (FLO) is a Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) social worker, who connects the Trenton MFRC to the Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group (CAF TG) to ensure the widest variety of support is available to families of ill or injured military members or fallen military members. The FLO provides confidential, individual counselling, group counselling, and education and prevention-based programs at the MFRC and in the community.  In addition, the FLO tailored assistance to families of the fallen and to families coping with all phases of a military member’s recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration.

Family Liaison Officer – Janie PichetteB.A, B.S.W
613-392-2811 ext. 5059 |