Employment Training & Workshops
Employment & Education

Employment Training & Workshops

Leanne Young, Employment & Education Navigator
Phone: (613) 392-2811 ext. 3852

Elizabeth Nicholas – Virtual Employment & Education Specialist
Phone: (613) 392-2811 ext. 3852

Email: employment.support@trentonmfrc.ca

Portfolio Development Program

The Portfolio Development Program is great for job seekers, entrepreneurs, students and anyone who’s looking for their next great career adventure. It lets you conduct an internal and external audit. helping you to highlight your prior learning, skills and talents towards the goal of your choice. The program includes six training sessions of two-hours each that occur over a three-week period. Once participants complete all of the six session requirements, they can submit their portfolio for assessment. After passing the assessment review, participants are eligible to receive a joint certificate from Loyalist College and the Trenton MFRC.

The Portfolio Program is brought to you by BMO, the Official Bank of the Canadian Defence Community. With funds raised through the BMO Support Our Troops Mastercard Program, online bilingual training sessions are available to military spouses.

More information about the Portfolio Program

Elizabeth Nicholas, Virtual Employment & Education Specialist
(613) 392-2811 x. 3852

Helping Entrepreneurs Reach Complete Success (HERCS)

HERCS is a daylong workshop designed to help CAF family members start or improve their small business.

The program is funded through Military Family Services (MFS) and is free to attend. All participants in the program receive a detailed manual, links to resources and ongoing support. The program is available online through Zoom, so anyone can join. It is now offered in both English and French and covers a variety of topics, including:

  • Small business ownership
  • Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Financing options
  • Business canvas
  • Resources

Registration is open to all military and veteran spouses, with priority given to military spouses.

For more information about HERCS

Elizabeth Nicholas, Virtual Employment & Education Specialist
(613) 392-2811 x. 3852

MFRC Live & Interactive Sessions

For more information about these sessions, please contact employment.support@trentonmfrc.ca

Session 1: Is Impostor Syndrome Holding you Back? 

Have you ever doubted your skills, achievements, or accomplishments? Join us as we look at what Imposture Syndrome is, how it affects us, and what we can do about it.

Learning Outcomes:
1. What is Impostor Syndrome?
2. Common Characteristics of Impostor Syndrome
3. What to do about it?

Discussion: Impostor syndrome is a pervasive phenomenon that affects professionals across various stages of their careers. This interactive session will delve into the
intricacies of impostor syndrome, exploring what it is, the various types, and common characteristics. Through engaging discussions, self-reflection exercises, and practical
tips, participants will explore strategies to understand and overcome it.

1. Understanding Impostor Syndrome: Join in as we look at what it is and how it affects our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
2. Identify your personal experience with Impostor Syndrome through self-assessment
3. Explore the various types and root causes of Impostor Syndrome
4. Learn how to recognize when impostor syndrome may be impacting your confidence and performance
5. Come away with some actionable strategies and techniques to combat Impostor Syndrome

Session 2: Negotiation Tactics

Whether you are negotiating salary, contracts, or other pertinent requirements, having a solid plan can help. Join us as we explore negotiation tactics to help you get
Within our session, we will look at a point-by-point strategy to help you determine and communicate your value effectively. From assessing your accomplishments to researching tips, we will look at communication must-haves, how to anticipate and react to objections as well as drawing your bottom line. So, if you are ready to impact the way you engage in negotiations, join us!

1. Knowing Your Worth
2. Researching Tips
3. Communication Must Haves
4. Knowing Your Bottom Line

Session 3 : Pouvez-vous quantifier votre CV ?

Pouvez-vous quantifier votre CV ? Nous connaissons tous le redoutable ATS (Applicant Tracking System) et l’importance de personnaliser notre CV, mais êtes-vous conscient de l’impact considérable que la quantification peut avoir sur votre CV ? Vous ne savez pas si les fonctions que vous avez occupées et les tâches que vous avez accomplies peuvent être quantifiées ? Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir comment les chiffres, les pourcentages et les montants en dollars peuvent être dérivés et ajoutés à votre CV afin d’avoir un impact significatif sur votre recherche d’emploi.

1. Parler avec l’ATS (Applicant Tracking System)
2. Ajouter des dollars, des nombres et des pourcentages
3. Étapes pour vous aider à quantifier votre CV, quelles que soient les fonctions que vous avez occupées
Voyons comment l’ajout de chiffres et de données peut influer sur l’efficacité de votre CV.

Session 4: Quantifying Your Resume? 

Can You Quantify Your Resume? We all know about the dreaded ATS (Applicant Tracking System) and the importance of tailoring our resume but are you aware of the dramatic impact quantification can make to your resume? Not sure if the roles you have held and the duties you have done can be quantified? Join us as we explore how numbers, percentages, and dollar amounts can be derived and added to your resumes to help make a significant impact on your job search.

1. Talking with the ATS (Applicant Tracking System)
2. Adding Dollars, Numbers and Percentages
3. Steps to help you quantify your resume no matter what roles you have held
Let’s explore how adding numbers and data can affect the potency of your resume.

Session 5: Let’s Explore Canva

Canva is a powerful design tool that everyone needs to explore. Whether you are a job seeker, a student, an entrepreneur, or in a career transition, Canva has a wide
range of tools to help you level up your design skills. With the option for a free or paid account, join us as we explore a few of our favorite Canva elements and what Canva can do for you!

1. What is Canva – A Quick Tour
2. Let’s Explore Some Templates and Options
3. Social Media Posts Made Easy
4. Solo or Collaborative Options

Session 6: LinkedIn Content Creation & Engagement

Job seekers, entrepreneurs or just trying to figure out your next career move, LinkedIn is a powerful networking platform you need to explore! Enjoy a quick look at what creates a compelling first impression from your banner to your headline. Let’s dig into how to make meaningful connections as well as tips to create engaging content on this dynamic platform.

1. How to Create a Compelling First Impression
2. How to Make Meaningful Connections on LinkedIn
3. Creating Engaging Content on LinkedIn

Join us as we share our top tips for LinkedIn content creation and engagement.

Session 7: Let’s Get Networking

Just in time for the holiday season, let’s get networking! Whether you are nervous or overwhelmed, let’s chat about key tips to help networking work for you! From when
to arrive and what to say to how to leave a lasting impression, if networking feels icky join us as we share impactful tips to help you fortify your networking abilities while
creating your own tailored networking strategy.

1. Networking Tips
2. Create Your Own Networking Strategy

Session 8: ChatGPT pour la recherche d’emploi, Est-ce que c’est pour vous ?

ChatGPT peut être un allié formidable pour votre recherche d’emploi. Rejoignez-nous pour un rapide aperçu de ce qu’est ChatGPT et de la manière dont il peut vous aider dans votre recherche d’emploi. Nous discuterons également de quelques considérations clés sur la façon dont vous utilisez les informations ainsi que des facteurs de confidentialité. de la vie privée. Pour terminer, nous partagerons avec vous quelques messages-guides ChatGPT efficaces pour vous aider à démarrer. pour vous aider à démarrer.

1. Options de recherche d’emploi de ChatGPT
2. Considérations relatives à la protection de la vie privée lors de l’utilisation de Chat GPT
3. ChatGPT : une invite pour commencer

Session 9: ChatGPT for Job Search, is it for you?

ChatGPT can be an amazing ally for your job search. Join us as we do a quick look at what ChatGPT is and how it may be able to assist you with your job search. We will
also discuss a few key considerations in how you use the information as well as privacy factors. To cap it all off, we will share some effective ChatGPT prompts to help
get you started.

1. ChatGPT Job Search Options
2. Privacy considerations when using Chat GPT
3. ChatGPT Prompt to Get You Started

Session 10: Let’s Build Your Professional Profile Statement

Whether you are a job seeker or an entrepreneur, having a professional profile statement can help you share your knowledge, skills, and abilities in a quick, succinct manner. From helping your resume work with the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) to strengthening your interview skills, you can also use this statement for networking and social media use. There are just so many possibilities. Join us as we do a deep dive into what a professional profile statement is and provide you with a step-by-step process on how to create your own based on your current goals.

1. What is a Professional Profile Statement
2. Examples and Ideas
3. Step-by-Step Help to Create Your Professional Profile Statement

Contact the Employment & Education Program at employment.support@trentonmfrc.ca for more information.