This course is designed specifically for children with Special Needs for the Military Family Resource Centres in Ontario, 2018. Improv can be scary for some of us – it is hard to get up and be “on stage” in front of others, with this in mind, the classes are set up with a progression of games and activities based on length of time it might take for class members to warm up to each other and develop the confidence to participate in different ways. The course is also built upon repetition of activities and games – this is to encourage and allow participants to fully learn the skills that come with each activity and session (note – new activities and games are highlighted in each session). If your class moves through the lesson plans quicker – awesome, there are extra activities and games at the bottom of each session’s lesson plan. If you don’t make it through them all, that’s ok, maybe you needed or wanted to spend more time on one particular activity this week – whatever works best for your group!